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Pet Lover Shaival pays true homage to his pet by starting a multi-speciality vetenary hospital.

Ahmedabad now has a non-profit, fully-equipped veterinary hospital that also has India’s first vet ventilator. The hospital that recently opened its gate to animals and their owners is called BestBuds Pet Hospital and has a founding story worth listening to.

The BestBuds Pet Hospital was founded by Shaival Desai, a man hailing from Gujarat. Desai laid the foundation of the vet hospital to commemorate the loss he had to experience last year when he lost his dog. The canine was suffering from ailments that needed immediate medical attention. However, due to the lack of proper medical facilities in the city, Desai had to see his dog breathe its last.

On August 15 last year, he fell sick. He took him to all the vets in the city, and got multiple X-Rays but could not diagnose what was wrong. By the time we found out he had a minor stomach obstruction, it was too late. Buddy passed away on October 27, 2020.

“The idea for a multi-specialty hospital for pets struck when I lost my dog a year ago. It was an extremely painful loss. I lost my dog because he couldn’t get proper facilities for the treatment. That is when I decided to build a hospital for pets in the city,” Desai told The Ahmedabad Buzz

The idea behind BestBuds Pet Hospital is to ensure no one has to go through the pain our Buddy like they did.
Having been through the process of setting up BestBuds, due to few pressing problems:
1) Doctors who have the clinical expertise don’t have the diagnostic and treatment facilities
2) Doctors who have decently well-equipped facilities have:
a. Significant commercial interest in selling things from their pet shop
b. Significantly over-medicate
c. They aren’t pet owners themselves so while they understand anatomy and physiology, their guidance isn’t the most practical
3) They are one-man armies which means that they can’t perform complex surgical procedures which require multiple input
At BestBuds, we do not have a pet shop, have fully equipped diagnostic facilities, multiple doctors and highly-trained staff. Since we are a trust, doctors are not incentivized to over medicate or sell you things. Our vets are pet owners themselves, so they know the real concerns around pet ownership and can empathize with pet parents ,said Deepal Trivedi,one of the main trustee of Best Buds.

The hospital that Desai has built has fully-equipped and functioning operation theatres and is a non-profit establishment. Any animal coming to the hospital would be treated free of cost. Moreover, this Ahmedabad hospital hones the country’s first vet ventilator. “The hospital is a one-stop solution to all health-related problems related to pets. The operation theatres are fully-equipped,” Desai added.

Since the news got the spotlight on social media, netizens are in awe of the gesture that Desai did for his pet and the noble deeds he has done. People appreciated the gesture and wished that the news gain more traction.

One user wrote, “As a token of respect for his work, dedication, and love towards animals, we should make this trending.”

Another wrote, “Your pet would be so proud of you.”

Great initiative! Shaival Desai is a true hero,” wrote one user.

Desai’s efforts come at a time when pets were abandoned in abundance during the peak of the pandemic. The misinformation that pets can also transfer the Coronavirus became the trigger for this unfortunate deed.

About Best Buds

BestBuds is a non-profit organization that is committed to making the lives of pets better. Spread out over 5000 sqft, BestBuds has advanced equipment to ensure timely diagnostics, and skilled doctors as well as paramedical staff to ensure correct treatment.
Apart from the hospital, BestBuds also has a comprehensive grooming centre run by some of the most experienced groomers in the city. We also have a special room dedicated to education, where we will be taking various seminars related to pet ownership and behaviour.
At BestBuds, we treat pets with love and care, the same way we treat our own. We understand that you may have 100s of questions related to your pets, and we implore you to ask them to our experienced vets who will be able to guide you.
Yours, as well as your pet’s experience, is extremely important to us. If you are happy with the work we are doing, please help spread the word.

Path Forward
While BestBuds is a trust, we strongly believe that it has to not only sustain itself but also thrive and grow. We are dedicated to expanding the facility and getting equipment that will enable us to perform even more complex as well as non-invasive treatment procedures.
Our 3-month goal: To become completely self-sustaining, revenue has to match expenses
Our 6-month goal: Gather enough funds to purchase Ophthalmology equipment, viz operating microscope and a phaco-emulsification machine. With this, we will be the only hospital in Gujarat to provide eye care for pets
Our 12-month goal: To procure laparoscopy equipment for minimally-invasive surgeries to ensure quick healing
While we charge fair value for our doctor’s time, our diagnostics are highly subsidized to make them accessible for all patients. We urge affording pet parents to donate to the organization, ensuring that Ahmedabad has the best veterinary care possible, for your pets as well as for others.
Our pet loving trustees include: Shaival Desai, Deepal Trivedi, Sohini Shah, Keyur Gandhi and Mayur Desai.
-> OPD
-> Imaging (X-ray, Ultrasound)
-> Gujarat’s only Animal Ventilator
-> Hematology
-> Dental Cleaning
-> Ophthalmology
-> Soft tissue surgery
-> Orthopedic Surgery
-> Consultation
-> Bathing
-> Grooming

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